From the Board of Directors: Board Goals for 2022

2021 was another crazy year for all of us. Once again, we can’t say thank you enough to our General Manager, Anne Carter, and all the staff of MFC. All of them continue to show up for a job that has become immeasurably more difficult and stressful over the last (almost) two years. Our gratitude, as not only the Board of Directors, but as owners of MFC, is endless.

It can be difficult as a Board to weigh the desires of over 4,000 owners, but it would be impossible without the unwavering dedication of our amazing staff. They lightened the load of all of us on a regular basis, allowing MFC to be the shining star. Thank you is never enough.

Your Board of Directors is anticipating the upcoming year to include a lot of weighing the desires of owners. First, we continue to evaluate site options for an expansion. This has been a longerthan-expected process between the pandemic, the Almeda fire, rising construction costs, and slower commercial development. It’s still one of our highest priorities as the Board clearly heard the call of owners and staff for a larger store.

Additionally, we plan to review equity, diversity, and inclusion in all our policies. We will be joining many cooperatives who have begun to use their policy documents to clarify expectations around the work of dismantling systems of racism and oppression by clearly articulating the results we seek to accomplish in the world. We will bring an equity lens to the guidance we give ourselves regarding the Board’s job and responsibilities in our policies. In doing this we hope to shape and guide us toward a more just and equitable society.

We will also be reviewing our Ends policy. In short, our Ends policy defines the reasons for MFC’s existence and the expected outcomes. These provide long-term direction to plan and work toward. Although we hope to ultimately achieve all of the results of our Ends policy, currently, through the assessment of expansion, the BOD needs to identify the relative priority for the various results and the various beneficiaries to ensure we are properly following owners’ directives.

Finally, we will be ensuring MFC’s readiness for expansion and beginning preparations for a capital campaign. Our goal is to have a strong foundation ready so we can quickly move forward when the right opportunity is presented.

Much of the Board’s work over the past few years has been tedious and “less than flashy” (who doesn’t love bylaw changes, updates to Articles of Incorporation, etc.?) but it has set us up for strong, continued success. This groundwork, including the goals for 2022, is only possible through the work of a dedicated Board of Directors. MFC has been fortunate to draw devoted, engaged owners to the Board. Unfortunately, we will be losing a member of the Board this year so we are looking for qualified candidates who are interested in steering MFC to a bright, successful future. Board elections take place in May, but it’s not too early to begin your consideration of Board membership; you may want to attend a meeting or have a conversation with a director to learn more.

If you are interested in driving MFC’s vision and are ready to deepen your relationship to the co-op you love, please consider serving on the Board. Email for more information.

This article first appeared in the Winter 2022 issue of the Fresh Press newsletter.


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